SEQUIM — The Sequim City Council voted Monday to reopen the application period to fill the City Council seat now vacant with the resignation of Jennifer States.
Applications are due to the City Clerk no later than 4:00 p.m. on Wednesday, April 8, 2020.
Applicants will be interviewed by the City Council during a public meeting on Monday, April 13, with a potential appointment and swearing in of the new Councilmember during that meeting.
The meeting will be accessible online and streamed on the City’s website, with the option of listening to proceedings in-person at the Sequim Civic Center.
The appointment will end December 31, 2021. Voters will decide who will fill the remainder of the unexpired term at the November 2021 General Election.
The salary for the position is $250 per month. Applicants must be registered voters of the City of Sequim, have a one-year continuous period of residence in the City of Sequim, and hold no other public office or employment under the city government.
For more information or to receive an application, call City Clerk Sara McMillon at 360-681-3428 or visit the City website www.sequimwa.gov. The application can be found directly on-line at https://www.sequimwa.gov/DocumentCenter/View/15293/2020-02-24_Application_City-Council-Vacancy. Candidates will be required to submit a letter of interest, resume and completed application form with answers to supplemental questions to the City Clerk at smcmillon@sequimwa.gov or by regular mail at the Civic Center address listed above. City
Council members may ask additional questions at their discretion during interviews. Applications are a public record and will be distributed as part of Council meeting materials.