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Local state legislator writes bill to change vets assistance funding


OLYMPIA — Legislation in Olympia could ease life for military veterans in communities throughout Washington state.

All 39 Washington counties collect what’s called the veterans’ assistance levy, to help vets experiencing challenges. The money they raise goes into the county’s overall budget, where it has to compete for funding with everything else the county pays for. State Representative Mike Chapman is a former county commissioner, and felt like the relief fund should be separate, to potentially benefit more veterans. Chapman, a Democrat from Port Angeles, wrote legislation to allow the separate account and it’s now just a few hurdles away from becoming law.

 “This has great support among the Clallam County veterans’ association and a lot of local counties, it will help funnel more services to veterans.  This will help with healthcare, rental assistance, food, travel.  A lot of veterans come back and find themselves at times having a need, so my bill will assure that all the dollars available locally will go straight to veterans’ services.”

Chapman’s bill, HB 1829, passed the House with a bipartisan majority and now awaits okays by the Senate Ways & Means and Rules committees to receive a vote by the full Senate. In Olympia, Dan Frizzell.