PORT ANGELES – The U.S. Census Bureau is ramping up recruiting efforts to hire up to 125 temporary, part-time census takers in Clallam County for the 2020 Census.
The positions offer competitive pay between $16 and $17.50 per hour, paid training, and weekly paychecks.
Clallam County Commissioner Mark Ozias gave us a sense of what the job will entail.
“This year the bulk of the census itself is going to be done online. And then once they see who hasn’t filled out the online census, then that’s when they’re going to start sending folks out door-to-door. So there are looking both for staff who they can train to do the door-to-door part of the census, but they’re also looking for some people with more managerial-type skills that can help organize and deploy those teams. They really are flexible to work around an existing work schedule, so if you’re already part-time employed or full-time employed, they’ve got a lot of flexibility. And they’re looking for all kinds of people.”
Ozias adds that the average census taker can expect to make between $5,000 and $6,000, and the duration of the jobs will be to the end of June.
Ozias is part of the Complete Count Committee here in Clallam County, which will help ensure that everyone is accounted for in this year’s census. He explains why that’s important.
“Having as accurate and complete accounts as possible for our county is really, really important because funding for schools and hospitals and all sorts of other things depend on it. So there will be a lot more to come.”
If you’re interested, report to the Census Recruitment Information Station in the Clallam County Courthouse lobby beginning Wednesday, February 12.