SEATAC, Wash. — KING 5 News is reporting that facial recognition technology will soon become a routine, although optional, part of the check-in process for some international Delta Airlines flights at Sea-Tac Airport.
As part of the flight check-in process, a kiosk will photograph a passenger’s face and within seconds compare that image with the passport photo already on file.
Delta said it should be in place at Sea-Tac by the end of the year. They say it can get travelers through check-in faster, but the Port of Seattle wants to make sure the upgrades don’t compromise passengers’ privacy.
A U.S. Customs and Border Protection representative said it encrypts the photos of passengers’ faces, which protects their identity.
Delta said if a passenger doesn’t want to participate in the facial recognition process, they can choose to check-in for their flight the way they always have, by showing their passport to an airline employee.