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Study on Peninsula tourism shows increased spending across the board


PORT ANGELES – A new study paid for by the Washington Tourism Alliance has come up with a breakdown of tourist spending in 4 Olympic Peninsula counties and the numbers are pretty good for Clallam County.

In 2018, direct visitor spending in Clallam, Jefferson, Mason, and Grays Harbor counties totaled more than $975 million.

It might be a surprise to some, but Grays Harbor County with its endless beaches and clam digging leads the pack, but Clallam County was second with $300 million in tourist spending last year. That was a 7.5% increase.

The report, conducted by Dean Runyan Associates, also tells us where tourists are spending all that money.

35% of those dollars went to restaurants, with seafood such as Dungeness crabs being a huge draw.

20% went to hotels, motels, campgrounds and the like.

Arts and entertainment took in 14%, and retail sales were 12%. Food stores and transportation/gas were at 11% and 9% respectively.

Individual County Statistics

2018p Visitor Spending for Olympic Peninsula (Figures in Millions of Dollars)

  Clallam Jefferson Mason Grays Harbor
TOTAL DIRECT TRAVEL SPENDING $300.7 $165.4 $122 $387.5
% Change, Year Over Year 7.5% 8.4% 3.1% 5.3%
Tax Revenue Generated (State/Local) $21.9 $10.7 $8.3 $26.6
% Change, Year Over Year 7.4% 7.5% 2.5% 5.5%
JOBS 4,260 1,630 1,340 5,910
EARNINGS $101.5 $40.4 $41.1 $125.5

*2018p estimates are preliminary and subject to revision.