SEATTLE (AP) — The State of Washington faces a federal court order to fix under-roadway pipes that block migrating fish by 2030, but a budget passed by lawmakers puts the state at risk of missing the deadline and could delay salmon recovery even as the Pacific Northwest’s endangered orcas are starving.

The Legislature’s two-year transportation budget, approved last weekend, devotes $100 million to fixing culverts — large pipes that allow streams to flow under roadways, but can prevent salmon from reaching their spawning grounds.

The $100 million is about one-third of what Gov. Inslee requested, and far less than what many agree is necessary.

Salmon recovery has become an urgent priority as the region’s resident killer whale population has fallen. The whales primarily eat Chinook salmon.

The Legislature did direct about $50 million to other important salmon-restoration efforts, including a dam removal on the Nooksack River and flood-plain work along the Dungeness and Cedar rivers. But even lawmakers who wrote the transportation budget said they were unhappy with the culvert money.