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Is cat found near Joyce another victim of mutilation?


JOYCE, WA. – Pet Posse of Port Angeles has been advised of another cat mutilation, this time on Agate Beach Road in the Joyce area, but it is unknown if it is in any way related to a similar incident that occurred in Port Angeles in July of last year.

The owner of the cat contacted Pet Posse, a volunteer organization that helps reunite lost pets with their people. They reported the cat had been skinned and that it’s head and three of its legs were removed.

Criminal Deputy Brian King told KONP that the incident was investigated on April 1. He said the state of decay of the animal made it difficult to immediately determine the cause of death, including whether a person might be responsible, though he did generally confirm the cat owner’s description. He said there were no other similar cases in that area.

The cat found last year in Shane Park had been cut in half and appeared to have been positioned on a trail with the intention of being discovered.

Such crimes are classified First Degree Animal Cruelty, a Class B Felony.