NEW YORK – The Port Angeles High School choirs wrapped up a tour of New York City by winning big in an international music festival.
Some 150 singers took part in the trip this past week. Saturday they competed in the New York Worldstrides International Music Festival. Here are the results for Port Angeles choirs and individuals:
Men’s Choir: Gold Award, Adjudicator’s Award!
Women’s Choir: Gold Award,
First Place, Adjudicator’s Award
Bella Voce: Gold Award, 2nd Place
Vocal Unlimited Jazz: Gold Award, 1st Place
Symphonic Choir: Gold Award, 1st Place
Vocal Unlimited Chamber Choir: Gold Award
Emma Weller: Maestro Award for Piano
Allison Winters: Maestro Award for Vocal Solo
Director Jolene Dalton Gailey: The Spirit Of New York Award.
The group returns home Sunday.