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45 month sentence for PA man on drug charges




Port Angeles   — A Port Angeles man was sentenced to more than three and half years in prison on drug and gun charges.

30-year-old Justin Bricker was sentenced after pleading guilty to two counts of delivery of heroin, possession with intent to deliver a controlled substance, unlawful possession of a firearm and bail jumping.

Olympic Peninsula Narcotics Enforcement officers and a State Patrol SWAT team arrested Bricker last July at his home on North Larch Avenue in Port Angeles. Investigators had described the house as a “convenience store” for drug dealing. Neighbors had complained about possible drug activity at the house.

OPNET had developed probable cause to arrest Bricker after he sold heroin to undercover informants twice. During the investigation, OPNET received information that Bricker was armed with a firearm. His criminal history included two felony assault convictions and stealing a vehicle.

After serving his prison sentence, Bricker will be under community supervision for just under four additional years. He was also ordered to pay $2300 to offset court and law enforcement expenses.