
PORT ANGELES – An effort is underway to install a fence around the Liberty Bell structure at Veterans Memorial Park in downtown Port Angeles to protect it from further vandalism and disrepair.

A group of citizens have come together to ask for the City’s support in authorizing the installation of a secure, ornamental iron fence that would be paid for primarily through crowd-funding.

Former Mayor of Port Angeles Karen Rogers is one of those involved in the effort.

Originally named Central Park, the City renamed it Veterans Park in 1986 in honor of those who served in all branches of the armed forces and in all conflicts since the Civil War.

In 1995, Port Angeles Marguerite Miller-Hartness bequeathed $100,000 to the City of Port Angeles to create the park as we know it today.

A Bell Ringing Ceremony is held on the last Friday of each month that draws dozens of people who come to honor those veterans that have recently passed.

An initial estimate of $17,000 for a fence has been floated by the City, but Rogers says there’s little money in the City’s budget to pay for that. She and others are reaching out to the public to make up the difference.

The Parks Commission will consider authorizing a fence design and layout at their meeting on April 18 at 6:00 pm.

A Gofundme page has been set up to raise money for the project. Click here.