
PASD adding security entrances to middle and elementary schools –
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PASD adding security entrances to middle and elementary schools


PORT ANGELES – The Port Angeles School District is making a move to improve security at their elementary and middle schools by adding safety vestibules to control access to those buildings. Think of it as a kind of foyer with another set of doors that lead to the rest of building.

The first vestibule is currently being installed at Jefferson Elementary School and should be completed within two weeks.

After that, there are five more elementary schools that will also be fitted in a similar way. We asked Facilities Director Nolan Duce about the timeline for the other schools.

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Duce says the cost at Jefferson will be about $6,500, which includes permitting, metal framing and doors, security hardware and controlled access devices. Other schools could be more depending on the width of entryways and other factors, but the District intends to keep the cost as low as possible.

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Once the vestibules are complete, staff members with a building access card will be able to proceed through the new doors. Other visitors will need to be authenticated prior to gaining access to student and staff areas.

(Pictured are Rod Erdmann and Tim Smith)