
After government delay, skiing finally ready for Hurricane |
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After government delay, skiing finally ready for Hurricane Ridge


PORT ANGELES – This weekend, crews will finally get skiing and snowboarding operating at Hurricane Ridge for the season.

The Hurricane Ridge Winter Sports Club had everything set to go December 22nd. But the federal government shutdown stopped access to the ski area at the ridge inside Olympic National Park.

Tomorrow, lifts will be running. There will be free lessons for those wanting to learn navigating the slopes.

The club hopes for a lot of support from the community especially now in the form of people coming and buying lift tickets.

Jerry Oakes is with the club. He says come early as there are 170 parking spots available at the ridge and he hopes they will fill fast.

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Oakes adds the best snow usually happens in February and March and there are still two thirds of the season left.

The club could lose upwards of $30-thousand dollars due to the lost days of skiing earlier in the season.

The ski operations are open 10-4 Saturdays, Sundays and Monday holidays.