PORT ANGELES – Clallam County has joined other groups in urging the state to build a raised median, boulevard-style re-design of the Highway 101 Morse Creek curves.

This week, county commissioners agreed to send a letter to the state Department of Transportation urging the DOT to follow through on plans for the mile-long stretch east of Port Angeles.

Commissioner Randy Johnson drafted the letter after hearing 24th District Representative Mike Chapman ask for support in getting funding for the project.


The part of the highway has seen a number of accidents, many fatal. The latest happened last summer when 19-year-old Brooke Bedinger lost control of her motorcycle and was hit by an oncoming pickup truck. Her friends and family have lobbied for barriers to go up at Morse Creek. But highway designers say barriers may be more dangerous and building a raised, landscaped median there would be a better option.

The county joined the Port Angeles Business Association this week in sending a letter of support for the Morse Creek project.

County commissioners also sent another letter to WSDOT this week asking the design and engineering phase for Highway 101 safety improvements between Sequim and Blyn be given a high priority.