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Forest and Park Services announce more goats to be airlifted from ONP in 2019


Mt. Goat, Hurricane Ridge. Photo by Jay Cline


SEATTLE (AP) — Apparently it wasn’t official until yesterday, but Federal officials have announced they are planning to airlift more mountain goats out of Olympic National Park and relocate them to the North Cascades next year.

The U.S. Forest Service and the National Park Service announced the decision Wednesday with the signing of what’s called a ‘Record of Decision’, agreeing on helicopter landings, temporary fencing, salt blocks and other actions needed to move the goats.

Crews removed 115 goats from the park in September, releasing 98 at five sites in the North Cascades. Eleven goats died during the process and six goat kids were sent to the Northwest Trek Wildlife Park.

Wildlife managers intend to remove about 725 goats from the Olympic Peninsula.