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County survey seeks damage reports and valuations for all properties


PORT ANGELES – Clallam County officials are working through damage assessment and recovery after Friday’s storm, and we thought we’d pass along some important information for the community:

The County is compiling a list of property damage from the storm and would like the public’s help in collecting that information, including private property owners, schools, businesses and tribal interests. The figures for the total monetary value of the storm damage will be used by the State to determine if Federal Funds are needed to aid in recovery.

They’ve set up a way to report your damage by either email or telephone, both of which we’ve posted with this story on our website at and on our Facebook page.

They have folks ready to take your call during business hours now through Thursday, but feel free to email anytime. If you call and receive a voicemail please leave your name and phone number. Staff will follow up with a callback.

Direct your emails to Jamye Wisecup at or Anne Chastain at or call either (360)565-2691 or (360)565-2688.