
Serenity House to open |
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Serenity House to open soon


Port Angeles – Serenity House in Port Angeles will be re-opening the doors to their night-by-night shelter and to their family shelter this Fall. Director Doc Robinson says he has most, but not all, of the money needed to get through the season thanks to contributions from the United Way and other agencies.

Robinson is also hopeful he’ll get additional funding from the State Homelessness Housing Program to not only keep those shelters open through the winter, but to fund three other programs.

The first would be a homeless shelter, smaller in scope, out in Forks. The need is not as great in Forks, but Robinson says he is talking to the Fire Department and other agencies to find a suitable location.

The second program is an agreement being worked out with the City of Sequim to run a shuttle between the warming shelter in Sequim to the night-by-night shelter in Port Angeles, 365 days per year. The exact location of this year’s warming shelter in Sequim has not been determined, but City Manager Charlie Bush says the 7th Day Adventist Church is one of the locations being looked at.

Robinson and Bush are also talking about making the Civic Center the pick-up location on days when the warming center isn’t open.

A third program that Robinson wants to get going is a kind of transitional housing for senior citizens.

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Robinson’s projected date for opening both the Family and night-by-night shelters is October 15.