
PORT ANGELES – Potentially moving a troubled road in Olympic National Park is a step closer.

A determination of “no significant impact” has been issued for the next steps in moving Olympic Hot Springs Road.

The road has been washed out due to significant flooding and has had limited vehicle access into the Elwha Valley.

Next, the park service will investigate the engineering feasibility of relocating part of the road outside of the floodplain.

The work included drilling about 22 test borings, excavating two test pits, and monitoring subsurface conditions along a one-mile stretch of the slope east of Olympic Hot Springs Road. Monitoring instruments will be installed at the off-road test boring sites to collect data and monitor slope stability.

If deemed feasible, the analysis of a potential road relocation would then occur in a separate EA. That EA would address long-term planning for the Olympic Hot Springs Road. Scoping for the next EA could occur as early as this winter.