
PORT ANGELES – If the Port Angeles Regional Chamber of Commerce has its way, they will be putting a down payment this month on a portable ice skating rink to be installed downtown right around Thanksgiving.

The Chamber has asked for Lodge Tax Funds of $35,000 to do so, and will be looking for City Council approval next week to release those funds.

The ice rink would be installed and maintained by Ice-America, who would also provide skate rentals. A company consultant is coming next week to help with choosing the best location, hopefully in the downtown area. The rink would be covered, charge a small fee for skating in the range of 5 to 10 dollars, and also have adjacent vendors. Chamber of Commerce Executive Director Marc Abshire is convinced it will be a big hit.

The rink would be in place from the first Saturday after Thanksgiving until New Year’s Day. The total cost for the project is $130,000. Besides the contribution from Lodge Tax Funds, which are paid by tourists and earmarked for such projects, planners are estimating they’ll get $60,000 from ticket sales, $10,000 from community investment, and $10,000 from corporate sponsors and rentals.