Missing pet? Contact us and we’ll post it here and help get the word out.


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Pug mix, 11 lbs, heart on nose

Rosie got loose from Sunland in Sequim on Friday, 2/21 at around 5:30 pm. She is a fawn colored pug mix, 11lbs, with a pink heart shape on her nose. She was lost at the intersection of

Found Doddle

**UPDATE – THIS DOG HAS BEEN RETURNED TO OWNER** Black female doodle/Lab? Found at top of Old Dads, off of Happy Valley, Sequim Contact Lauren at (530) 913-0891

Male Cat Sold Grey (Russian Blue)

Huh Mr Blue is a Russian Blue 10 Year old solid grey male cat, Med length hair, he’s very skittish around people he doesn’t know.He was last seen on Monday Nov. 11th near Buena Luz Bakery &

Lost little grey cat

Coraline is a small grey cat with a big personality! She went missing around cline spit area off of E Anderson. She’s very friendly, talkative, and knows her name well. Mostly outdoor but occasionally inside. She rarely

Lost Dog

He’s a bullkita, very friendly, sturdy solid dog. He would jump into your vehicle if he didn’t know you just cause he loves to go fir rides.. his name is Timber (360) 670-8238