
PORT ANGELES – The Lower Elwha Tribe will fish again this fall in the Elwha River.

The tribe, Olympic National Park, and the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife have announced plans for a tribal ceremonial and subsistence fishery for coho salmon on a section of the Elwha River this fall.

In addition, they’ve agreed to extend the closure of other recreational and commercial fisheries in the Elwha River until June 2025, awaiting conditions for fish population recovery.

The ceremonial and subsistence fishery will run from late September to late October 2024, targeting adult coho salmon in the lower 3 miles of the river. The fishery aims to minimize impacts on non-target species, particularly federally listed Chinook and steelhead.

They’ll use handheld gear and limited river nets. Tribal biologists and enforcement officers will monitor compliance.

The reopening of mountain lakes in the Elwha basin for sport fishing remains unchanged.