
PORT ANGELES — — The City of Port Angeles will be making changes to downtown traffic and pedestrian signals. The project is aimed at enhancing safety and traffic flow along the First and Front Street Corridor.

The $5.6 million project starts next week and will continue through December.

City engineer Jonathan Boehme says the project entails replacing outdated signal timing equipment with modern, traffic-centric software, proven to reduce collisions, improve emergency vehicle detection, and enhance pedestrian safety. As part of the initiative, accessible pedestrian signals will be installed, including audible signal actuators and visual countdown signal heads. These devices will activate and emit sound only upon pedestrian request through a modern push-button system.

The City will construct over 50 ADA-compliant curb ramps along the First and Front Street Corridor, spanning from Oak Street to Del Guzzi Drive. Construction will occur at 13 intersections, commencing at three primary locations: Race & Front Streets, Race & First Streets, and Peabody & First Streets.

While traffic delays are anticipated, the City is committed to minimizing disruptions to traffic flow and pedestrian access within the project area. Funding for the Signal Controller Upgrade Project is fully provided through a Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) Highway Safety Improvement Program grant.